
  1. Distribution of values of Gaussian hypergeometric functions

    Ono K., Saad H.,Saikia N.,Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Special Issue for Don Zagier’s 70th birthday,19, no. 1 (2023), 371-407. 2023. (arxiv) (Published Version)
  2. Explicit Sato-Tate type distribution for a family of K3 surfaces

    Forum Mathematicum 35, no. 4 1105-1132. 2023. (arxiv)
  3. Some Eichler-Selberg Trace Formulas

    (with Ken Ono) (The Hardy Ramanujan Journal 45, 94-107. 2022, File)
  4. Matrix points on special varieties over finite fields.

    Huang Y., Ono K., Saad H., Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society. In Press (arxiv)
  5. On Matrices Arising in Finite Field Hypergeometric Functions

    Kumabe S. and Saad H., Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. (Publisher's Version)
  6. Hypergeometric Distributions and Joint Families of Elliptic Curves

    Grove B. and Saad H., Submitted. (arxiv)